Credential Card

Creation of a Mobile App with Glide No-code solution
Working details:
Independent Services
Case Study, MVP Design, No-Code Dev
MVP Designer
Skills applied

Fullstack Designer,Design Thinking

Digital capabilities

Glide, Mobile App

Client's Team

Client brief. Weekly sharing of development through no-code solution

Duration (Days)


IT Services

Requirements to design and build database integration with Mobile App


Analyze the stack, source of data, and business requirements, Design the MVP, Develop the design, Build the UX/UI Perform Q&A Checking.


Mobile App Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Share work requirements
You have identified opportunities, unresolved issues, or emerging risks, and you do not have the available resources and skills at the time. Then, you consider the support of a professional consultant.
Get insights into the structured assessment and sales process Four-step process

Benefits: a streamlined assessment procedure (max. 15 highly focused questions and optional uploads), fact-based, and time-effective (5-10') to help you make your point, get valuable feedback (3 days or so),
and improve the quality of the proposed professional services.

Fill this Typeform in French or English and choose among three assessment scenarios:

1. Problem-solving | 2. Agile | 3. Job description-based